Patriot District Ladies

Patriot District Ladies

Rankings are unofficial. District coordinators will determine seeding for playoffs.

Regular Season Results 2025
SCHOOL AC FX LB RB SC CW WS WD Overall District Rank


5/9 4/24 4/1 4/8 5/2 4/22 5/5 1-0-0 0-0-0 -


4/30 5/2 5/5 4/23 4/8 4/1 1-0-0 0-0-0 -
LAKE BRADDOCK (LB) 4/24 4/30


5/7 5/9 4/28 4/1 5/2 1-0-0 0-0-0 -
ROBINSON (RB) 4/1 5/2 5/7


4/3 4/24 5/9 4/8 0-0-1 0-0-0 -
SOUTH COUNTY (SC) 4/8 5/5 5/9 4/3



4/1 5/2 4/22 2-0-0 0-0-0 -
WEST POTOMAC (WP) 5/2 4/23 4/28 4/24 4/1


5/5 5/9 0-0-0 0-00 -
WEST SPRINGFIELD (WS) 4/22 4/8 4/1 5/9 5/2 5/5


4/24 1-0-0 0-0-0 -
WOODSON (CW) 5/5 4/1 5/2 4/8 4/22 5/9 4/24


0-1-0 0-0-0 -

Patriot District Ladies Tournament 2024

Bottom 4 teams have play-in games on May 9. Top 2 teams get byes to the semi-finals. Three and four seeds play winners of the play-in games.

Q Finals Score          
#5 Fairfax 2          
#8 W Potomac 1 Semis Score      
w5v8 Fairfax 2 Robinson 5 Finals Score  
#4 Alex City 1 Fairfax 1 Robinson 0 District Champion
#3 L Braddock 2 Lake Braddock 1 South County 2 South County
w6v7 Woodson 1 South County 3      
#7 Woodson 3          
#6 W Spgfield 2          

KM – Kicks from the Mark
OT – Overtime